Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Golden year my friend!!!!

Dream Golden days and just wait ... for the Golden days to come!!!!We are in the first months of the year 2012! I admit I had to catch a small depression a few days ago when I was placing my beautiful Christmas tree and all the shiny ornaments, inside the boxes.If I choose to see it by the positive side of view, think about it ... at 11 months we will have Christmas again! Let us see our lives a little more positive, em???Whatever happened, the flame of 2011 was extinguished, and now this year belongs to our past. But it was a year that many different things happened in our lives. Even if something bad happened, we were taught by this, learned a life lesson with which we must now move forward by feeling even stronger.
So let us leave the past in the past! Whatever mistakes were made, whatever decisions were taken and would have liked to have followed a different path, they should no longer concern us because they belong to the past. That is when they took place but also finished there. There is no reason to poison our present with something that happened and finished.Do not keep the flame of your error burning because you bring this moment to your present!Ignore it, learn from it and continue your life and you will see that in the future, this error will seem so small that you would wonder how you let yourself to feel sad by this.Life is small my friend!!!A mistake is like a small pebble in the ocean!So do not bother at all!!!Live the moment because this is what has literally "flesh and bones."Look around you ... Are you satisfied with what you see??? Is there anything you would like to change???Do not say "I am bored" there is nothing more valuable than what you currently live for just once!Tell yourself "I love you" and mean it and you will see that your confidence will soar.Do not postpone your goals and your dreams, start today ... NOW!Everything that is happening right now are for some reason!Wait a while and think ... What surrounds you, is what you were asking to come in your life???If you were given a second chance grab it! You do not know, it may change your whole life, it may be what you expected ...Take care of the people around you and you will receive the same attention ...Listen to them ... They might tell you something that will help you more easily to fulfill your dreams!Never forget that even the smallest detail in our life has meaning!Dream your future!There is nothing more beautiful than the dreaming what we'd like to come to life! Fill yourselves with the most positive thoughts, your dreams, dream what you would like to have.All dreams come true sooner or later as long as you believe in them!Never abandon your dreams!! Some things may look impossible and yet ... EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!As a person is able to do negative thoughts, is equally capable of making positive thoughts!There remains nothing but to choose to think positively in our lives so that we could make all our dreams come true! (We've already said this, haven't we???)I wish a happy 2012 for all of us, full of health, love, happiness and prosperity!And like we said ...The past is in the past, live the present with your whole "being" and ... Dream your future!!Consequently, I would like to just tell me ... WHAT ARE YOUR DREAMS????