Sunday, February 15, 2015

50 shades of Grey!!!!!

Girls do not lose a single moment!!!! Book your ticket for the cinema TODAY to watch the movie!!!! We have all read the trilogy and we have all waited for this moment to come...

"Mr Grey will see you now!!!"

That is how the love story of Anastasia Steele begins with the polite, clever and with an intense personality, Mr. Grey!!! His charm overwhelms her , confident with herself that the meeting between them was very clumsy and did not go well, she tries to get him off her mind when he suddenly appears at her work and proposes her to go out on a date . Anastasia is attracted to Christian more and more everyday although he warns her to stay away from him .

Christian Grey, a successful, full of mystery, handsome and sexy man but also a controller in everything and in everyone's life! The only person that can touch his soul in a unique way is sweet Anastasia! Things become complicated when Christian reveals his inner desires with all the kinky related staff as well as the so called RED room! Their passionate erotic romance changes level...!

"I don't do romance!"(Christian) 

We WOMEN are definitely sure that this movie will touch our hearts, NOT TO MENTION our minds!!!!!!!

Which woman would resist to a polite man , an intelligent one , with a strong personality and full of mystery ! A man capable of showing her his love and his feelings, to be jealous and to show it too , to be able to give her the whole world , his eyes to follow her every move ... to take her in his arms and take her breath away by also making her feel safe!!!

"It' s another first for me!" ...hearing these words from his lips and understand that although he could have any woman in the world , he chooses to be with you and live some moments together for the first time!

Which woman could resist to such a man????? NO WOMAN!!!! 

OK! At this point he tells you.... "My tastes are singular!!!" So what??? Crazy in love like Beyoncé' s song!!! 

Enjoy the movie...!!!!  

 Besides, this man we are talking about is Christian Grey! Lust for him dominates the thoughts of Anastasia! Why not our thoughts and minds too ???? 

"Where have you been?" (Christian) 
"Waiting..." (Anastasia)

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Under a wonderful sunshine...!!!


We can FORMALLY say that beautiful summer has arrived!!! (Even if ... these days it rains.. BUT WE DO NOT CARE!!!!! Don't we??????) We should not feel nothing less than JOY and HAPPINESS that summer has finally arrived!

Prepare yourselves for drinking coffee or eating with friends and for swimming at the sea, for non- stop diving and for small escapes on weekends in near, wonderful and graphic islands!!!

UNTIL THE TIME COMES FOR OUR MAIN HOLIDAYS!!!!!!! THEN..... WHO WILL STOP US??????????????????????????????

Take as many people as you like with you in order to have fun and pass your days on beach bars (DEFINITELY!!!!!!) and clubs of sea landscapes and make sure to dance until you cannot continue dancing!!!!!!

Even if you are hard working do not care because SUMMER IS HERE!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!! When we talk about summer, the job gets OFF THE RECORD!!!!!!! (AT LEAST FOR THE NEXT 3 MONTHS!!!!!)

You could also take your LOVE for endless romantic walks on the beach, by discussing your dreams... simply holding in a tender hug one another by only attending the sea and letting her magic take you away.. sail you in her deepest ends.

I WANT to see LIVELINESS...!!!!!!

I WANT to see SMILES..!!!!!!

I WANT to see HAPPINESS...!!!!!!

I WANT to see the JOY of this summer decorated in your eyes and much more... at your heart!!!!!!

I WANT you to think that this will be a wonderful summer for all of us and that we will have so great time.. We will have SOOOOOO much fan.. that we will categorize it to the best summers of OUR LIFE!!!!!!

Consequently, we must care for this summer to be WONDERFUL!!!!!!!





Bad Romance

There is no reason for sadness in case your EX is not any more here with you, and either you will find him free and handsome walking down the street by flirting other women, or at another woman's hug! Yes! I KNOW! I understand your inner feelings! You have opened the way, you learned him to love and care! For What? For her to find him ready so as to go and get married??? So what???????? You think that you lost something???????

Do not feel bad AT ALL!!! In other words, send HIM as a gift to HER! You are not a couple anymore, and that means something, doesn't it? Otherwise, you would never separate, you would stay together forever! Never mind! Show how much of a superior person you are and let him go! Well! Don't even think about it! Of course, you're more beautiful than her and that you touched his heart in ways that she will never manage!!!! EVER!!!! Do not worry ... When one door closes, another opens! There are plenty of men in the world that are already waiting for you! If you know what I mean!!!! And in order to speak more clearly, HE loses! He won't find better than you! Trust me!!!!! It's a guarantee!!! Not to mention that your future man will be ten times better! Think about this! However, if YOU have made a mistake in this relationship, it does not matter! Learn from this mistake and made sure that in your next relationship, you will not do it again! So ... LET your EX be your EX ! ! As for you ... LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER! ! (THAT is a wish for married couples, isn't it???????????)

Friday, March 28, 2014


Have you ever wondered what common question always tormented men??? For which decade we are talking about??? For all OF COURSE! From the decade that Titanic sank (see Di Caprio standing on the stern looking at the sky in wonder ...) until that Kaka forces public bank in Spain to give the loan to Real for his own satisfaction! Temporarily of course! There are questions that were, are and will remain unchanged over time. And men around the world could not be the exception.... But what is the common question that remained unchanged over the years??? It has to do with what??? Two are the options. One is the ball and the other is...women! (What????? Car??????? Car in 1907????) So let us leave, for the moment, the first option and let us go to the second.... ''If I send shots to her table how will she react??? ''''To call her or I will make her feel that I do this all the time with other women too???; ''I have a free house tonight. Should I invite her or will she misunderstand?''.. It's only a few from the dozens of questions from time to time we all wondered whether and when to ask them.What they have in common??? 
What else ????????????? 
Everything that women want ... 
Everything they have in their mind.. 
Everything we would like to know.....In a strange way everything women want is inextricably linked with men. Whether it seems irrelevant or not everything starts and ends there. Gentlemen there is no ''everything women want''... There is just ''all that women want ... from men!!!!!!!!'' 
Do you remember "Nick Marshall''??? It was the name of the role played by Mel Gibson in the film'' What women want.'' 
Our hero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was the first time that I thought to throw a dryer into the bathtub! To be shaken for some seconds, even for a moment to lose my senses, but when I would wake up.. 
To be in ... in their minds!! To hear their thoughts!!! Everything they want .. Everything they think! And well! You will say. All these women want is always the same??? So in all phases of their life have the same requirements??? The same expectations???Of course not! Naturally! The woman is a chameleon ... She changes according to prevailing conditions and the time of course. The periods of ''I want' 'are basically three! ''Before the relationship", ''during the relationship'' and that of ''marriage.''Each of these has its own characteristics. Its own particular ''expect'' from her husband ... her own ''I want''. Some do actually exist, most of them for accuracy, but some of them do not exist at all but they wait for them, just because their role dictates that! The first period is more tricky. Here it is when the first "I want" begin. 

What they want??????????? 
First of all, to bite their interest!!!A Chinese proverb that you suddenly remembered (meaning that you have memorized 3-4 for each potential case and say the most relevant), a reference to a book you have recently read (never mind if you have not read it. Just having heard the author ...) or even simpler a report to a social problem of the time by showing your opinion (very basic) is enough initially to bite her interest and make her say later to her best friend the famous phrase ''OK I was not gone mad with him, but this man does you a click ''That is just what they want in the beginning". This click. This preoccupation with their minds. If you satisfy that they are ready for the next step ... Target flirt ...It is necessary and should be offered systematically... The generalities of the type ''nice dress!!!'', "Ah! This color in your hair suits you" and all this shit does not touch the heart of a sixty year old woman, 1.50 tall, 112 kilos, divorced with 3 children who had a date with someone she met, before 2 hours, in a chat room! Women want targeting. They want to know that the person they have fallen for, worth it. They want to know that they have something that all others do not. Something we (MEN) do not find every day ... And of course, to be true they must listen to it regularly... To become a routine ... The reminder of it is just a proof of its real existence!Gentleman with courage and not impoliteness when they are on a date. If they realize that the guy they have opposite them is sly like a fox, and takes the right (without being given to) to just spell or murmur the word sex (for whatever reason, even if it is irrelevant.) it is sure that he becomes obsolete (in other words "past", "finished") in a second . The women want ''a gentleman'' for them, a good listener, not to interrupt and have the guts to leave a hint at the right time!!Sex time... Or not??? It is a critical time guys!!!!! It is high time and everything starts from "0"!!!! It is the interval between the achievement of having gained her trust which apparently has gone quite well or maybe not so well (but you're still in the game) and that of the Act. How from the theory will you manage to persuade her to act??? And you think ''Do women wait for something special???? Is there anything that removes or reduces their last inhibitions???" And the answer is yeeeees. There is!! Or better. there are!!!! The women at this time, and unlike men, do not think they will go to bed and if they spend a nice time everything will be ok, and if not it does not matter.... They think that this will be the first time on something that if everything will be ok, it will be repeated! Thus, to avoid making a mistake two things must happen. To trust the man they have chosen to and to be convinced that he is sincere. What are they waiting for in order to say yes??? 

Two simple observations. 

The first and most basic is that her man does not currently regard sex as his first priority during that time (even though he has his hand around her waist at the time ...) He does not think of it at all... he does not care! He is satisfied by the''incredible''chemistry that exists between them and from the conversation taking place at the time with the most possible understanding as there could be! "FINALLY it has happened to me" is the most powerful of all thoughts that she will make. As for the second??? She wants to have absolute control of the situation. The power that she is the one who decides whether to go home or to continue their night... Not to mention, that if she hears the perfect sentence (from man's side) "under other circumstances I would suggest other things for the continuity of the night, but because with you I'm not interested only in this night but also the nights that will come, I do not care at all. Truth! So whenever you want to leave do not hesitate to tell me! From what I remember you wake up early tomorrow, okay???". This does not only satisfy her, but probably will eventually propose a hotel to go ... proposed by a friend! That is how the first phase of ''I want'' ends. And somewhere in there is when the second phase begins. Care and appreciation are two words with which ... the line-up ''relationship" begins. Women want to show in practice everything you say in words. On the one hand, you should be asking for their opinion and you should hear them (must!) but also to having the foresight to get the sweatshirt in the evening to offer it in the open club when it would get cold. Memory of an elephant. There are things that are not forgotten dude!! What does it suppose to mean that you forgot the date that you first met?????? Her birthday?????? You do not remember the place showed in the photo?????'' (It was that where you went the day that you first met), cut her hair and you did not have noticed??? You see the new dress and behave as she has had it before 3 months????? NO dude! Somewhere here it is the point where Dostoevsky appears! Yes Dostoevsky! Crime and punishment.... crime and punishment, my friend!!!!!! They need time to''do things with their partner as they characteristically claim and ''time to visit any store they like by using the credit card (preferably of their''partner'') something that they skillfully avoid to admit, even .. If you catch them in the dressing room! Words like "champions league, World Cup" or phrases like "when will I win the bet????'' incredibly irritate them and feel that they are insignificant and funny comparing to go out for a drink with her and her friend, Mary that you have to see for so much time....Plans for the future certainly could not be missed from the list of''I want''. It is an integral part of their considerations. On the first day of their relationship begin and imaging themselves in the ''white'' picture.. White becomes their favorite color... The picture of themselves climbing the stairs of a church in the picturesque white wedding dress is on the hits of their ... thoughts. It is their dream! And their dreams need confirmation. That is how they continue to be dreams. Consequently, references by their lover for the future, even though unrelated events, simply boosts their confidence and demonstrates them that ''For having me into his plans after all this time, he definitely feels like I feel" .... 

As far as the third point is concerned, the man who married her should be ... A believer in monogamy! And not only an ordinary fan. Noooooooooo! He should be fanatic! Very fanatic! The most loyal fan of the phrase ''I have my wife like a crown in my head!'' On one hand, she wants to be sure that she was not wrong in her judgement to trust a man that she knows so many years and also because with such a wonderful woman what else will he seek for ....???? Stability and confidence. Ok! Nobody can blame her for that. She wants to be sure. Knowing that on one hand, her children will grow up into the perfect environment, with the perfect father that she has chosen for them, and on the other hand, that nothing wrong is going to happen and have to search again for the perfect man ..'' . Because then, the second time, will be at the age of 45, with two kids, 10 kilos heavier and she knows she will not look for the ''ideal man'' but for the ''least worst'' man! Helping at home is also important. To see the man sitting and watching TV by making comments about how ''That devil Messi hangs the ball at his feet!!!'' does not exist! I washed the baby, you will feed it! I will put the dishes in the dishwasher, you will get rid of the trash! Unless you offer to help by yourself. With a style, full of tender you should do the first move to confuse her ''Tell me my love what could I do to help you???'' 50% -50% are the chances ... You never know... You may have fallen in this case that she will say ''Nothing dear!!! Just see the game and in 10 minutes I will have finished''... ok!!! Well. I meant 95-5 For concluding I remembered a standard ''I want'' and I thought, to which category to classify it. But while I was thinking of it, I wanted to classify it everywhere! Perhaps because it is the longest. Perhaps because there is no man who has not have heard it. Or because it will never stop being heard. From our mother until our lawful wife. Whatever.... "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY IT TO YOU??? WHEN YOU PISS YOU HAVE TO LIFT THE BASIN COVER?????... Or maybe not???? Mercy us... MERCY!!!! 

PS: "No matter how many investigations I made, only one query I have never managed to answer. What women really want."                                                                                   Friedrich Nietzsche

Thursday, January 3, 2013

My heart belongs to Christmas!!!!

Did you miss me???? 
I was looking for the time to be able to make my "come back" after all these months of delay and I could not find a better season to write, than Christmas days!!!! I cannot help it... this season attracts me!!!! These two weeks make me feel beautiful, make me feel stronger and that I could handle or change anything!!! Magic of Christmas makes me believe in fairytales!!! I watch Christmas movies and I seek to listen to Christmas stories!!! For me, Christmas is just one picture... Holding a hot beverage and sitting next to Christmas tree to drink it, with the company of the fireplace, whose flame burns slowly and keeps me warm, by watching the Christmas lights switching on and off in these wonderful different colors and the sparkling ornaments, and me just.... dreaming of the future!!!

So... Hold this wish!!! 

Every year try to place upon your Christmas tree as many lights as you can!!! May you have so many dreams too!!! If a light burns do not worry as it is easy enough to replace it!!! I wish you to have dreams that change. The more old ones to come true and to be replaced by the new ones!!!! Besides... WE own our dreams!!! (They escape taxation!!!! Sorry!!! Black humor!!!) The flame in the fireplace should always strengthens and always be preserved by adding the woods!!! Consequently, I wish you to keep your heart as fiery as the flame in every step that you take!!! May the New Year to come, be the beginning for this!!! This magic and this love that we are fulfilled during Christmas, I wish you to feel it the whole year!!! Happy New Year to come to all of you full of health, love, giving, honesty and happiness!!! 

With all my love!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Golden year my friend!!!!

Dream Golden days and just wait ... for the Golden days to come!!!!We are in the first months of the year 2012! I admit I had to catch a small depression a few days ago when I was placing my beautiful Christmas tree and all the shiny ornaments, inside the boxes.If I choose to see it by the positive side of view, think about it ... at 11 months we will have Christmas again! Let us see our lives a little more positive, em???Whatever happened, the flame of 2011 was extinguished, and now this year belongs to our past. But it was a year that many different things happened in our lives. Even if something bad happened, we were taught by this, learned a life lesson with which we must now move forward by feeling even stronger.
So let us leave the past in the past! Whatever mistakes were made, whatever decisions were taken and would have liked to have followed a different path, they should no longer concern us because they belong to the past. That is when they took place but also finished there. There is no reason to poison our present with something that happened and finished.Do not keep the flame of your error burning because you bring this moment to your present!Ignore it, learn from it and continue your life and you will see that in the future, this error will seem so small that you would wonder how you let yourself to feel sad by this.Life is small my friend!!!A mistake is like a small pebble in the ocean!So do not bother at all!!!Live the moment because this is what has literally "flesh and bones."Look around you ... Are you satisfied with what you see??? Is there anything you would like to change???Do not say "I am bored" there is nothing more valuable than what you currently live for just once!Tell yourself "I love you" and mean it and you will see that your confidence will soar.Do not postpone your goals and your dreams, start today ... NOW!Everything that is happening right now are for some reason!Wait a while and think ... What surrounds you, is what you were asking to come in your life???If you were given a second chance grab it! You do not know, it may change your whole life, it may be what you expected ...Take care of the people around you and you will receive the same attention ...Listen to them ... They might tell you something that will help you more easily to fulfill your dreams!Never forget that even the smallest detail in our life has meaning!Dream your future!There is nothing more beautiful than the dreaming what we'd like to come to life! Fill yourselves with the most positive thoughts, your dreams, dream what you would like to have.All dreams come true sooner or later as long as you believe in them!Never abandon your dreams!! Some things may look impossible and yet ... EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!As a person is able to do negative thoughts, is equally capable of making positive thoughts!There remains nothing but to choose to think positively in our lives so that we could make all our dreams come true! (We've already said this, haven't we???)I wish a happy 2012 for all of us, full of health, love, happiness and prosperity!And like we said ...The past is in the past, live the present with your whole "being" and ... Dream your future!!Consequently, I would like to just tell me ... WHAT ARE YOUR DREAMS????

Sunday, December 25, 2011

I am dreaming of the White Christmas ...

It's Christmas Time Again!!!
The most beautiful and the most magical day of the year has arrived!
It's Christmas Time!!!
I can not stop smiling! My eyes are filled with beautiful images! In every house I happen to go there is a decorated tree, the house itself, "shouts" that there is celebration! Christmas cakes, Christmas songs sound a sweet and playful music to my ears! Magical images full of sparkle, from the unique glow of Christmas!
Wanting to return a little bit back in time to my childhood, I have countless pictures and feelings to remember during the Christmas season.
Initially, to decorate a Christmas tree was a whole ritual for me. I liked a lot to decorate the Christmas tree, along with all other family members. From the very first ornament that I touched, I felt the glow of Christmas filling me, I felt the sweet warmth to nest in my heart!
Also I will never forget how the house "smelled" in Christmas with all the Christmas sweets that my mother was cooking every such period, sugared buns ...honey cookies ... chocolates ... pancakes ... New Year's cake ... a tradition that naturally I have adopted and will definitely keep the remaining years of my life! There can be no Christmas without the house "smelling" such odours, don't you think???
Also, I will never forget the endless hours of waiting under the Christmas tree for Santa Claus. I wrote my letter that I was a good girl all year and that my mom yelled at me only a few times and that I wanted him to be able to bring me gifts that I had requested and that if he did I thanked him a lot for that. I always imagined him to be with beautiful and expressive green eyes full of love, a red suit, black boots and white beard. In other words, the Santa Claus we all know, that has traveled from our childhood to our dreams and in our hearts!
I was planning for almost all hours to wait for him under the Christmas tree! I told everyone that "this time, yes! I will be able to see him!" But never enough to achieve the end, I had never seen him at all! (Obviously!!) I sat on the couch watching the lights blinking and twinkling until the sleep was taking me away! So every Christmas, when I finally was awake, I found my gifts placed on the tree! Santa Claus was coming to town!!!
I wish Merry and Happy Christmas to all of you full of good health above all, joy and love!
Do not forget the sweetness of our childhood, spontaneity and so much love that we showed to everyone and everything! Even when we were"crashing" ourselves on the floor, we sometimes "whined" a little but then we would always get up even stronger. Bear this in mind!!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all and remember ....
Be always with a smile!