Sunday, October 30, 2011

You give love a bad name!!!

You say that you love me and that you cannot live without me in your life..... Ok!! I believe it!!So why you reverse it immediately by leaving, with your “buddy”, 3 consecutive weekends???????? (Does your best friend know that in the whole situation he plays the role of the chick???)

In case you did not understand for me it is the same!
Which is the difference between ignoring me for another chick and ignoring me for your buddy???? ... THE same thing!!

Do you think the chick would hurt more than your best friend????
If my love, our relationship gets worse and worse every single day (from what I see… that seems suitable for us!!!!) and we are about to separate each other so much that I already see the devil of separation waving the handkerchief in welcoming me to the club of divorced peopleALL mind!!!

Barely ... if you have a chick, you will give me the opportunity to leave (And not come back ever!!!!!..... Think of it!! END forever!!!!)
But if you ignore me for your buddy.... you hold me captive in our relationship that apparently has ended in 4 years.... Sometimes I wonder why we continue....
I think we have discussed the issue..... For a relationship to succeed.... effort is needed by both of us my friend and.... BLA! BLA! BLA!If you dear suddenly wish to live your life..... HELLOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! You can do it without me! No need to keep me in this relationship....

Of course you could ask me...... Why am I still in this relationship although you do not care????

I do not know.... I may think that our relationship is in a crisis ... maybe I believe things will change for the better..... Maybe I do not want to "throw away" these 4 years that are full of disappointments, but mostly by pleasant memories.... maybe my feelings are still so strong for you and my love so great that I have not even the strength to leave you....
I know very well that it is not as easy for you either ...
We cannot, however, continue like that ... Some time it is needed to stand up and say your big GOODBYE and get me out of the difficult position to wonder and to analyze your behavior every single day without knowing whether the results obtained are correct!

You do not want to get me out of my misery?????
No matter how hard it is for you, you have to take this decision and give A FINAL END IN THIS RELATIONSHIP!!!!!

You do not know.... Maybe if you do that, you could gain again my appreciation…
You do not know.... If you do that it might be proved good for both of us ...
Maybe that is what we both wanted in the end and we were afraid to admit!!
Let’s give it a try, don’t you think?
But please.... if you respect our relationship and all the beautiful moments that we lived together.... do not underestimate my feelings with all this behaviour…It is humiliating!!!
I do not deserve it and it is not worth for the relationship that we had....

Be the man I once knew and loved even if I hear from your lips that we separate.....

Monday, October 3, 2011


Well! Sorry but what does it mean "I do not answer the phone because I have work to do"?????????

Are you kidding me????? I am on the verge of hysteria!!!!!
You are trying to tell me that from the 24 hours that a day has, you haven’t got just 2 minutes to dedicate (ONLY! !!!!!!!!!!!) on the phone and speak with me?
So busy you are that I should feel bad because I keep you preoccupied?????
Sorry, ah??? A million apologies! I WILL NOT do it again!

And just wait a moment because I begin to lose my mind..... What does it mean that "I cannot understand the nature of your work because I work in an office "?????????????? What does this mean??? You think that I do not have work to do????? Do you know what it means to work 8 hours in an office?????? Have you got any idea baby?????

You know.... We are not playing solitaire or any other electronics on computer screen, believe me!! (Apart from some days that bubbles and Tetris get fire!!!.... Because of limited workload!!!!)
Daily, we follow specific deadlines that we should not let them expire, we load data until our wrist is in great pain and sometimes we do not leave our chair because of heavy workload!! We are so workaholics you know........!!!!

Do you know how I feel if I am either very happy with something or even very sad, and I feel the longing to get to talk to you, to tell you what I feel because only with the man I love I want to share it and you reject me by making an incurious comment such as “I cannot speak to you right now because I have work to do ...."

Not to mention the 3 times worse that you do when you ask me "How was your day today?" and let me begin to narrate you about my day (you asked for…)or even to talk to you about what I want to tell you, and at the very specific moment when I am so happy that I finally found some time to share with the man of my life, my happiness (or regret). ...... That exact moment of my narrative story is when you will violently interrupt and tell me "Ok! Ok! I leave you now because I have customers to call!!!!"

And I stay to look like a dumb at the phone!! (Not to mention which is the exact expression that fits this case) Speechless and incapable to spell out anything!!

How can I make you understand???? When I want to communicate with you, I want to communicate with you!!!!!!!!!! You're my man! You are required to dedicate a few minutes to hear all the crap I have to tell you!!

I wonder ... You do not feel the same need every day? There are no times that you want to hear my voice at all????? Of course there are..... At times we talked on the phone for your silly incidents you have had with your friends in the past, or the endless stories and discussions about the army and more!
What happened????? We forget them???? We forget them????

So if I want to talk with you for a minute about my nails and for the new manicure I have done, we will talk about my nails!!!!! I do not want to threaten you but ...... you force me to use other major ways to persuade you ...... slowly and menacingly ...... the TSUNAMI of murmur is approaching with a small earthquake from retaliation as an early warning!! Sorry, ah??? A thousand apologies, but.......

CAUTION: For God's sake Girls..... In case some of you have the above behavior..... Let’s stop it for a while!!!!!Not for any other reason but not to find ourselves in a difficult position and have men to take the advantage, ok?????