Sunday, December 25, 2011

I am dreaming of the White Christmas ...

It's Christmas Time Again!!!
The most beautiful and the most magical day of the year has arrived!
It's Christmas Time!!!
I can not stop smiling! My eyes are filled with beautiful images! In every house I happen to go there is a decorated tree, the house itself, "shouts" that there is celebration! Christmas cakes, Christmas songs sound a sweet and playful music to my ears! Magical images full of sparkle, from the unique glow of Christmas!
Wanting to return a little bit back in time to my childhood, I have countless pictures and feelings to remember during the Christmas season.
Initially, to decorate a Christmas tree was a whole ritual for me. I liked a lot to decorate the Christmas tree, along with all other family members. From the very first ornament that I touched, I felt the glow of Christmas filling me, I felt the sweet warmth to nest in my heart!
Also I will never forget how the house "smelled" in Christmas with all the Christmas sweets that my mother was cooking every such period, sugared buns ...honey cookies ... chocolates ... pancakes ... New Year's cake ... a tradition that naturally I have adopted and will definitely keep the remaining years of my life! There can be no Christmas without the house "smelling" such odours, don't you think???
Also, I will never forget the endless hours of waiting under the Christmas tree for Santa Claus. I wrote my letter that I was a good girl all year and that my mom yelled at me only a few times and that I wanted him to be able to bring me gifts that I had requested and that if he did I thanked him a lot for that. I always imagined him to be with beautiful and expressive green eyes full of love, a red suit, black boots and white beard. In other words, the Santa Claus we all know, that has traveled from our childhood to our dreams and in our hearts!
I was planning for almost all hours to wait for him under the Christmas tree! I told everyone that "this time, yes! I will be able to see him!" But never enough to achieve the end, I had never seen him at all! (Obviously!!) I sat on the couch watching the lights blinking and twinkling until the sleep was taking me away! So every Christmas, when I finally was awake, I found my gifts placed on the tree! Santa Claus was coming to town!!!
I wish Merry and Happy Christmas to all of you full of good health above all, joy and love!
Do not forget the sweetness of our childhood, spontaneity and so much love that we showed to everyone and everything! Even when we were"crashing" ourselves on the floor, we sometimes "whined" a little but then we would always get up even stronger. Bear this in mind!!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all and remember ....
Be always with a smile!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It's a Beautiful Day!!!!!!!

If you had the opportunity to change something today, what would that be ?????
I would change completely the way I think,OF COURSE, what else???????! (I believe that most of you will agree with me on this!)
Am I wrong???
Have you ever wondered how many thoughts we make in our day??? To answer to your question .. THOUSANDS!
Have you also thought that it happens most of these thoughts to be pessimistic???
I have no money, I am bored at work, I have no money left over to buy this dress and BLA! BLA! BLA!
Have you thought that bad thoughts = bad mood = not fulfilled goals???

Why not make beautiful thoughts = beautiful mood = Meeting all our goals???
Let us start from now on and think ONLY in a nice and positive way!
As it is easy for a person to think negatively, it is even easier to think in a positive way! Which path you will choose??????
Even if a negative thought comes and crawls in our minds, we should take care to make it fade with 10 extra positive thoughts!
We must let our minds to wander every day not in problematic thoughts, but in optimistic thoughts, into meaningful thoughts, in our dreams that we want to achieve!
Our mind is great, don’t you think???
The imagination can wander in whichever path! Let’s take care of us and let us choose the beautiful path in our life!
We should celebrate every day of our life, every minute of our existence ... because real life is "divine" gift, life is beautiful and people are special creatures!
Every minute of our life is the discovery of the most priceless treasure!
We, are the diamonds, others “rough”, others not!
All we need is to discover how we could shine and sparkle!!!
This way lies within us! In our positive thinking!
Always guiding your thoughts in the beautiful trail!
That is which will lead you to your happiness!!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Can we change men?

Are you kidding me??? Of course not!!

YOU, can change, men NEVER!!

But is it possible to have such a demand???? Are you maybe ... (I say maybe ...) unreasonable????

Men do not change!! Do not live with such an illusion!

The only thing left is, at least, to look after the source of evil ....
Is Mrs "Ex" the only person to blame for???????????
Let's analyze it a little more ...
She has spoiled him, where she had to tie him and have him restricted, she loosened more opposite to him, where she had to punish him .... the only thing that she finally did was to show him more her weakness and place you in the position to .... discipline the bull !!!!!!

It is not my purpose to make you feel anxious but.... I do not think that you can manage it!!!! You will always make efforts to discipline him(not the bull!!! YOUR MAN!!!) and you will be the red rag for him....!!!!! If you know what I mean
Consequently my advice is….
Live your life .... Set your limits ... Show your love, affection, your attention and I must say that ... men lately have learned to appreciate!!

But ... NEVER try to change him!!
Your efforts will be proved fruitless!

Not to mention that
you change the roles! He no longer considers you to be his wife, his sexy lover or a "wild cat"!

On the contrary .... He begins to consider you as his aunt, his sister, his mother and in the worst scenario as a .... TO DO LIST!!!!
Only one
has the magical gift and can do something about it.... ONLY ONE is the sacred person for him .... the one and only… HIS MOTHER!!!!!
Bear this in mind!!!!!! NEVER FORGET!!!!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Inject of confidence NOW!!!!!!!

You cannot be a strong woman.... having succeeded so much in your life .... a celebrity in other words ... and have a lack of confidence!!
Once you have a realistic view of what you're capable of doing and what your limits are.... then do not worry about anything, and whether you can manage everything....
No matter how small or large, your goal is......

Confidence is believing in yourself!!!!!
Never! Never!! Never!! Do not expect others to offer you a compliment to raise your confidence!!!!!
Upload it yourself and hold it there in high level and standards !!!!!
you just ..... WORTH IT
Because you
just ... Have it in YOU
And whoever undermines you, underestimates you or doubt you KEEP HIM\HER AWAY !!!!! DELETE this person from your life!! It is a confidence thief and tries to underestimate you to boost his confidence !!!!!! KEEP YOURSELF AWAY from such people!! Try to avoid them!!

So .... try every day to radiate your confidence in others, pull it out and let it gleam and then….. everybody will see the sparkles all over you!!!!!

Confidence and accept ourselves exactly as we are, opens its doors to many areas of life (job, love, the emotional domain) and brings balance to our lives!!

However there are several ways to boost your confidence!!

Learn to play your feelings like playing the piano!Whatever you feel you must remember not to behave badly to others especially when you feel angry or pissed off!
Not to have this bitch colleague for example destroy your day at work and then go back home and behave badly at the first person you see in front of you and release your anger that she (THE BITCH COLLEAGUE!!!!) created
Do not care about others’ opinion about you!!You should set goals to create one by one your dreams being driven to satisfy and make yourself happy! Do not compare your life with others, and do not let them affect you AT ALL!!!
Focus on your own life, to make it beautiful, to what you want and your dreams!!!!!
Set your limits in order to accomplish your goals without the fear of failure! Believe me..... If you want.... YOU can succeed in everything!!!!!
Once you want something big to happen in your life, start from the smallest step and you will see that step by step, you will finally arrive at your destination!!

Take care of yourself!!!A walk with a loved person, a favorite activity or hobby, you can buy something you love. Things that you love and offer you pleasure are "food" for yourself and you show how much you love and appreciate yourself. Consequently, your confidence is reinforced!!

Do not also forget the importance of keeping fit and your relationship with your body !!!!!Consequently ....... Exercise yourself NOW !!!!! NOT ON MONDAY ......... BUT NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keeping perfectly fit, results in perfect health and body similar to that of the devil !!!!!
So BE sexy, and FEEL sexy and then glitter this feeling to the people around you !!!!!!!
And after you do that, you will not have the time to get "phone numbers "!!!!!!!!! Understood????

LAST BUT NOT LEAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Girls !!!!!!!! Once again I'll be become annoying but ...

CONFIDENCE = red lipstick, bright colors in clothes and accessories (it is must for this summer!!!), high heeled shoes (ABSOLUTELY! !!!!!!!!!) and and an air of a diva !!!!!!

Besides, why should we hide it ??????????? We are much better than the various celebrities that are walking around globally !!!!!!

All that remains for us is to be chased by the paparazzi ........!!!!! Right ???????????????