Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It's a Beautiful Day!!!!!!!

If you had the opportunity to change something today, what would that be ?????
I would change completely the way I think,OF COURSE, what else???????! (I believe that most of you will agree with me on this!)
Am I wrong???
Have you ever wondered how many thoughts we make in our day??? To answer to your question .. THOUSANDS!
Have you also thought that it happens most of these thoughts to be pessimistic???
I have no money, I am bored at work, I have no money left over to buy this dress and BLA! BLA! BLA!
Have you thought that bad thoughts = bad mood = not fulfilled goals???

Why not make beautiful thoughts = beautiful mood = Meeting all our goals???
Let us start from now on and think ONLY in a nice and positive way!
As it is easy for a person to think negatively, it is even easier to think in a positive way! Which path you will choose??????
Even if a negative thought comes and crawls in our minds, we should take care to make it fade with 10 extra positive thoughts!
We must let our minds to wander every day not in problematic thoughts, but in optimistic thoughts, into meaningful thoughts, in our dreams that we want to achieve!
Our mind is great, don’t you think???
The imagination can wander in whichever path! Let’s take care of us and let us choose the beautiful path in our life!
We should celebrate every day of our life, every minute of our existence ... because real life is "divine" gift, life is beautiful and people are special creatures!
Every minute of our life is the discovery of the most priceless treasure!
We, are the diamonds, others “rough”, others not!
All we need is to discover how we could shine and sparkle!!!
This way lies within us! In our positive thinking!
Always guiding your thoughts in the beautiful trail!
That is which will lead you to your happiness!!!


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