Sunday, September 18, 2011

And the Oscar goes to ... the Perfect Relationship!!!!

Let's see the nominations!!!!!

 Be yourself!!!

 It is the most important ingredient to achieve in a relationship! Never fake that you’re another person! (ONLY AT SEX!!!). Your partner should love you for who you are! He must love the real you!!!

Refresh your relationship!!!

One of those tips that you should follow for an immediate renewal of the relationship is first of all, from time to time choose to do something different when going out, eg To go to a different restaurant,  to go for a drink, only you and him, or at a club, without your friends! Start selecting different events to attend, such as grand openings or galas!!!

Even if you live together, you should give rendez-vous to meet each other, outside your house! Actually.... This will return your thoughts at the beginning of your relationship!

 Also, what would be so ideal is to cook for him special meals and to eat by the light of candles! So romantic!!!!!!

 Last but not least, girls.... (I will say it again and AGAIN ....) It is very important to purchase new and sexy lingerie at regular intervals (preferably transparent or lacy!) by also combining high heeled shoes, by capturing his eyes with yours and having your imagination as a weapon!

 You understand my point? Do you have any questions???


 Pay attention to detail!!!

 Sometimes we get carried away by our emotions and depending on the outcome of our day (especially at work), when we see our boyfriend in front of us we start “bombarding” him with meaningless things, from how bitch was our colleague today ,up to what dress and lipstick we chose to take at the wedding where we'll go at Saturday! Torrent of words and sentences without refund! Stop NOW!

Today that you will see him after returning from work or when you will meet tonight, become interested ONLY for him! Ask how his day was, if there was anything special that caught his interest, if he was found in the middle of any kind of funny situations, and why not to offer him a relaxing massage!!!

 You can not imagine how much he will appreciate it! I can assure you about that!

 You do not know.... Along the way.... he might want to reward you.... The "package" massage may be proved to include many other extra and more “spicy” benefits for you to taste...



 The compliments are playing crucial role in the course of your relationship! Especially when made after several years of relationship!

By  making a compliment you show to the other how much you admire him, that you are in love, how much you like something he wears, or his opinion, the way he behaves, to find that your man is so sexy and do not skip ever to say it to him!

A compliment is a reward and if your compliments become a little more "spicy "..... If you know what I mean.... your relationship will be forever a FIRE!

 Do not neglect yourself EVER!!!

 It will be a little shock for you now but I will tell it to you. Do not even think about to be ready to have sex with him, an already prepared situation and let him explore your body and suddenly feel the "grass" on your feet, or even looking at your wonderful eyes and cannot distinguish them from the “bushes” in your eyebrows sprouting here and there (NO! NO! NO!!!!), not to mention anything further.... I do not want to expose us more!!!!!

NOTHING! NO SECOND THOUGHT the issue of a SPA should be first priority of every woman! That is where we should give all our money, a total care for our body, and our time dedicated to fitness because that is what women do and should be..... DELICATE!!

 As for the boys.... if you laugh while reading these lines.... learn that more than 3 days beard (meaning… just before becoming a priest) we do not like it AT ALL!!

Yes! We do not like it because you"pinch" us and our skin is sensitive, filled with red spots and we also think that by Monday you will go to any monastery to become a monk!

 We will soon give you a shaver as a gift.... whether there is a celebration or not by our good heart guys!!!!!


 Be honest!!!

 Never! But.... Never!! But ... Never! Do not stop being honest! All kinds of relationships build on trust!

Consequently, do not build your castle my friend, and then destroy it at once with a lie!

 Even if it is of minor significance or seems as innocent.... it remains a lie!


 Keep your life as it was!!!

 Helooooooooo!!!! Being with someone does not mean that you have to forget your best girlfriends, your nights out together, and the spa evenings you did together or the endless shopping therapy, or even the Tuesdays that your girlfriend would come that you spent them by watching a favorite movie or by talking, and talking, and talking for hours by drinking your favorite wine!!!

 Think that he will not also want to lose the gathering with his friends to watch football on TV, or to dedicate a coffee to them (without you!!!!) sometime in a weekend!

 Do not forget the habits that satisfied you in the past! Only then there will be balance in your relationship, not only that but also with the people around you, but mostly inside yourself !!!...

Do not try in any way to change the other person!

Each person is unique, is special! You must accept that the person near you has its advantages, but also drawbacks! NOBODY IS PERFECT!

I know ... I know ... There are times when you feel like his mother ... or that he does not understand you ... For that that he does not hear you, you know what? Just ignore it, even if you are right! Men usually want time to process some facts and take their own decisions! Have a little patience!

 Besides, when you fell in love with him, in everything you loved in him, includes also that you always say black and white and disagreed with each other! Now why you bother???? Do you want a man that agrees in everything you say and does not have his own opinion and beliefs????

 Girls ... Opposites attract! You must know that by heart!!!


 Tenderness in all its glory!

 The "macho" they may seem, no matter how tough they show to you ... always at the end of the day, they will desire, your touch, your kiss, your smile, your hug!

 You have the magic touch and you can really get a man to heaven!

As for us boys ... no matter how much complicated we may seem, we are really sooooo simple (even myself is ready to believe it!!!!!) to manipulate us!

 NO! I will not give you TIPS for today!!

 COMING SOON!!!!.....


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