Sunday, December 25, 2011

I am dreaming of the White Christmas ...

It's Christmas Time Again!!!
The most beautiful and the most magical day of the year has arrived!
It's Christmas Time!!!
I can not stop smiling! My eyes are filled with beautiful images! In every house I happen to go there is a decorated tree, the house itself, "shouts" that there is celebration! Christmas cakes, Christmas songs sound a sweet and playful music to my ears! Magical images full of sparkle, from the unique glow of Christmas!
Wanting to return a little bit back in time to my childhood, I have countless pictures and feelings to remember during the Christmas season.
Initially, to decorate a Christmas tree was a whole ritual for me. I liked a lot to decorate the Christmas tree, along with all other family members. From the very first ornament that I touched, I felt the glow of Christmas filling me, I felt the sweet warmth to nest in my heart!
Also I will never forget how the house "smelled" in Christmas with all the Christmas sweets that my mother was cooking every such period, sugared buns ...honey cookies ... chocolates ... pancakes ... New Year's cake ... a tradition that naturally I have adopted and will definitely keep the remaining years of my life! There can be no Christmas without the house "smelling" such odours, don't you think???
Also, I will never forget the endless hours of waiting under the Christmas tree for Santa Claus. I wrote my letter that I was a good girl all year and that my mom yelled at me only a few times and that I wanted him to be able to bring me gifts that I had requested and that if he did I thanked him a lot for that. I always imagined him to be with beautiful and expressive green eyes full of love, a red suit, black boots and white beard. In other words, the Santa Claus we all know, that has traveled from our childhood to our dreams and in our hearts!
I was planning for almost all hours to wait for him under the Christmas tree! I told everyone that "this time, yes! I will be able to see him!" But never enough to achieve the end, I had never seen him at all! (Obviously!!) I sat on the couch watching the lights blinking and twinkling until the sleep was taking me away! So every Christmas, when I finally was awake, I found my gifts placed on the tree! Santa Claus was coming to town!!!
I wish Merry and Happy Christmas to all of you full of good health above all, joy and love!
Do not forget the sweetness of our childhood, spontaneity and so much love that we showed to everyone and everything! Even when we were"crashing" ourselves on the floor, we sometimes "whined" a little but then we would always get up even stronger. Bear this in mind!!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all and remember ....
Be always with a smile!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It's a Beautiful Day!!!!!!!

If you had the opportunity to change something today, what would that be ?????
I would change completely the way I think,OF COURSE, what else???????! (I believe that most of you will agree with me on this!)
Am I wrong???
Have you ever wondered how many thoughts we make in our day??? To answer to your question .. THOUSANDS!
Have you also thought that it happens most of these thoughts to be pessimistic???
I have no money, I am bored at work, I have no money left over to buy this dress and BLA! BLA! BLA!
Have you thought that bad thoughts = bad mood = not fulfilled goals???

Why not make beautiful thoughts = beautiful mood = Meeting all our goals???
Let us start from now on and think ONLY in a nice and positive way!
As it is easy for a person to think negatively, it is even easier to think in a positive way! Which path you will choose??????
Even if a negative thought comes and crawls in our minds, we should take care to make it fade with 10 extra positive thoughts!
We must let our minds to wander every day not in problematic thoughts, but in optimistic thoughts, into meaningful thoughts, in our dreams that we want to achieve!
Our mind is great, don’t you think???
The imagination can wander in whichever path! Let’s take care of us and let us choose the beautiful path in our life!
We should celebrate every day of our life, every minute of our existence ... because real life is "divine" gift, life is beautiful and people are special creatures!
Every minute of our life is the discovery of the most priceless treasure!
We, are the diamonds, others “rough”, others not!
All we need is to discover how we could shine and sparkle!!!
This way lies within us! In our positive thinking!
Always guiding your thoughts in the beautiful trail!
That is which will lead you to your happiness!!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Can we change men?

Are you kidding me??? Of course not!!

YOU, can change, men NEVER!!

But is it possible to have such a demand???? Are you maybe ... (I say maybe ...) unreasonable????

Men do not change!! Do not live with such an illusion!

The only thing left is, at least, to look after the source of evil ....
Is Mrs "Ex" the only person to blame for???????????
Let's analyze it a little more ...
She has spoiled him, where she had to tie him and have him restricted, she loosened more opposite to him, where she had to punish him .... the only thing that she finally did was to show him more her weakness and place you in the position to .... discipline the bull !!!!!!

It is not my purpose to make you feel anxious but.... I do not think that you can manage it!!!! You will always make efforts to discipline him(not the bull!!! YOUR MAN!!!) and you will be the red rag for him....!!!!! If you know what I mean
Consequently my advice is….
Live your life .... Set your limits ... Show your love, affection, your attention and I must say that ... men lately have learned to appreciate!!

But ... NEVER try to change him!!
Your efforts will be proved fruitless!

Not to mention that
you change the roles! He no longer considers you to be his wife, his sexy lover or a "wild cat"!

On the contrary .... He begins to consider you as his aunt, his sister, his mother and in the worst scenario as a .... TO DO LIST!!!!
Only one
has the magical gift and can do something about it.... ONLY ONE is the sacred person for him .... the one and only… HIS MOTHER!!!!!
Bear this in mind!!!!!! NEVER FORGET!!!!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Inject of confidence NOW!!!!!!!

You cannot be a strong woman.... having succeeded so much in your life .... a celebrity in other words ... and have a lack of confidence!!
Once you have a realistic view of what you're capable of doing and what your limits are.... then do not worry about anything, and whether you can manage everything....
No matter how small or large, your goal is......

Confidence is believing in yourself!!!!!
Never! Never!! Never!! Do not expect others to offer you a compliment to raise your confidence!!!!!
Upload it yourself and hold it there in high level and standards !!!!!
you just ..... WORTH IT
Because you
just ... Have it in YOU
And whoever undermines you, underestimates you or doubt you KEEP HIM\HER AWAY !!!!! DELETE this person from your life!! It is a confidence thief and tries to underestimate you to boost his confidence !!!!!! KEEP YOURSELF AWAY from such people!! Try to avoid them!!

So .... try every day to radiate your confidence in others, pull it out and let it gleam and then….. everybody will see the sparkles all over you!!!!!

Confidence and accept ourselves exactly as we are, opens its doors to many areas of life (job, love, the emotional domain) and brings balance to our lives!!

However there are several ways to boost your confidence!!

Learn to play your feelings like playing the piano!Whatever you feel you must remember not to behave badly to others especially when you feel angry or pissed off!
Not to have this bitch colleague for example destroy your day at work and then go back home and behave badly at the first person you see in front of you and release your anger that she (THE BITCH COLLEAGUE!!!!) created
Do not care about others’ opinion about you!!You should set goals to create one by one your dreams being driven to satisfy and make yourself happy! Do not compare your life with others, and do not let them affect you AT ALL!!!
Focus on your own life, to make it beautiful, to what you want and your dreams!!!!!
Set your limits in order to accomplish your goals without the fear of failure! Believe me..... If you want.... YOU can succeed in everything!!!!!
Once you want something big to happen in your life, start from the smallest step and you will see that step by step, you will finally arrive at your destination!!

Take care of yourself!!!A walk with a loved person, a favorite activity or hobby, you can buy something you love. Things that you love and offer you pleasure are "food" for yourself and you show how much you love and appreciate yourself. Consequently, your confidence is reinforced!!

Do not also forget the importance of keeping fit and your relationship with your body !!!!!Consequently ....... Exercise yourself NOW !!!!! NOT ON MONDAY ......... BUT NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keeping perfectly fit, results in perfect health and body similar to that of the devil !!!!!
So BE sexy, and FEEL sexy and then glitter this feeling to the people around you !!!!!!!
And after you do that, you will not have the time to get "phone numbers "!!!!!!!!! Understood????

LAST BUT NOT LEAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Girls !!!!!!!! Once again I'll be become annoying but ...

CONFIDENCE = red lipstick, bright colors in clothes and accessories (it is must for this summer!!!), high heeled shoes (ABSOLUTELY! !!!!!!!!!) and and an air of a diva !!!!!!

Besides, why should we hide it ??????????? We are much better than the various celebrities that are walking around globally !!!!!!

All that remains for us is to be chased by the paparazzi ........!!!!! Right ???????????????

Sunday, October 30, 2011

You give love a bad name!!!

You say that you love me and that you cannot live without me in your life..... Ok!! I believe it!!So why you reverse it immediately by leaving, with your “buddy”, 3 consecutive weekends???????? (Does your best friend know that in the whole situation he plays the role of the chick???)

In case you did not understand for me it is the same!
Which is the difference between ignoring me for another chick and ignoring me for your buddy???? ... THE same thing!!

Do you think the chick would hurt more than your best friend????
If my love, our relationship gets worse and worse every single day (from what I see… that seems suitable for us!!!!) and we are about to separate each other so much that I already see the devil of separation waving the handkerchief in welcoming me to the club of divorced peopleALL mind!!!

Barely ... if you have a chick, you will give me the opportunity to leave (And not come back ever!!!!!..... Think of it!! END forever!!!!)
But if you ignore me for your buddy.... you hold me captive in our relationship that apparently has ended in 4 years.... Sometimes I wonder why we continue....
I think we have discussed the issue..... For a relationship to succeed.... effort is needed by both of us my friend and.... BLA! BLA! BLA!If you dear suddenly wish to live your life..... HELLOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! You can do it without me! No need to keep me in this relationship....

Of course you could ask me...... Why am I still in this relationship although you do not care????

I do not know.... I may think that our relationship is in a crisis ... maybe I believe things will change for the better..... Maybe I do not want to "throw away" these 4 years that are full of disappointments, but mostly by pleasant memories.... maybe my feelings are still so strong for you and my love so great that I have not even the strength to leave you....
I know very well that it is not as easy for you either ...
We cannot, however, continue like that ... Some time it is needed to stand up and say your big GOODBYE and get me out of the difficult position to wonder and to analyze your behavior every single day without knowing whether the results obtained are correct!

You do not want to get me out of my misery?????
No matter how hard it is for you, you have to take this decision and give A FINAL END IN THIS RELATIONSHIP!!!!!

You do not know.... Maybe if you do that, you could gain again my appreciation…
You do not know.... If you do that it might be proved good for both of us ...
Maybe that is what we both wanted in the end and we were afraid to admit!!
Let’s give it a try, don’t you think?
But please.... if you respect our relationship and all the beautiful moments that we lived together.... do not underestimate my feelings with all this behaviour…It is humiliating!!!
I do not deserve it and it is not worth for the relationship that we had....

Be the man I once knew and loved even if I hear from your lips that we separate.....

Monday, October 3, 2011


Well! Sorry but what does it mean "I do not answer the phone because I have work to do"?????????

Are you kidding me????? I am on the verge of hysteria!!!!!
You are trying to tell me that from the 24 hours that a day has, you haven’t got just 2 minutes to dedicate (ONLY! !!!!!!!!!!!) on the phone and speak with me?
So busy you are that I should feel bad because I keep you preoccupied?????
Sorry, ah??? A million apologies! I WILL NOT do it again!

And just wait a moment because I begin to lose my mind..... What does it mean that "I cannot understand the nature of your work because I work in an office "?????????????? What does this mean??? You think that I do not have work to do????? Do you know what it means to work 8 hours in an office?????? Have you got any idea baby?????

You know.... We are not playing solitaire or any other electronics on computer screen, believe me!! (Apart from some days that bubbles and Tetris get fire!!!.... Because of limited workload!!!!)
Daily, we follow specific deadlines that we should not let them expire, we load data until our wrist is in great pain and sometimes we do not leave our chair because of heavy workload!! We are so workaholics you know........!!!!

Do you know how I feel if I am either very happy with something or even very sad, and I feel the longing to get to talk to you, to tell you what I feel because only with the man I love I want to share it and you reject me by making an incurious comment such as “I cannot speak to you right now because I have work to do ...."

Not to mention the 3 times worse that you do when you ask me "How was your day today?" and let me begin to narrate you about my day (you asked for…)or even to talk to you about what I want to tell you, and at the very specific moment when I am so happy that I finally found some time to share with the man of my life, my happiness (or regret). ...... That exact moment of my narrative story is when you will violently interrupt and tell me "Ok! Ok! I leave you now because I have customers to call!!!!"

And I stay to look like a dumb at the phone!! (Not to mention which is the exact expression that fits this case) Speechless and incapable to spell out anything!!

How can I make you understand???? When I want to communicate with you, I want to communicate with you!!!!!!!!!! You're my man! You are required to dedicate a few minutes to hear all the crap I have to tell you!!

I wonder ... You do not feel the same need every day? There are no times that you want to hear my voice at all????? Of course there are..... At times we talked on the phone for your silly incidents you have had with your friends in the past, or the endless stories and discussions about the army and more!
What happened????? We forget them???? We forget them????

So if I want to talk with you for a minute about my nails and for the new manicure I have done, we will talk about my nails!!!!! I do not want to threaten you but ...... you force me to use other major ways to persuade you ...... slowly and menacingly ...... the TSUNAMI of murmur is approaching with a small earthquake from retaliation as an early warning!! Sorry, ah??? A thousand apologies, but.......

CAUTION: For God's sake Girls..... In case some of you have the above behavior..... Let’s stop it for a while!!!!!Not for any other reason but not to find ourselves in a difficult position and have men to take the advantage, ok?????

Sunday, September 18, 2011

And the Oscar goes to ... the Perfect Relationship!!!!

Let's see the nominations!!!!!

 Be yourself!!!

 It is the most important ingredient to achieve in a relationship! Never fake that you’re another person! (ONLY AT SEX!!!). Your partner should love you for who you are! He must love the real you!!!

Refresh your relationship!!!

One of those tips that you should follow for an immediate renewal of the relationship is first of all, from time to time choose to do something different when going out, eg To go to a different restaurant,  to go for a drink, only you and him, or at a club, without your friends! Start selecting different events to attend, such as grand openings or galas!!!

Even if you live together, you should give rendez-vous to meet each other, outside your house! Actually.... This will return your thoughts at the beginning of your relationship!

 Also, what would be so ideal is to cook for him special meals and to eat by the light of candles! So romantic!!!!!!

 Last but not least, girls.... (I will say it again and AGAIN ....) It is very important to purchase new and sexy lingerie at regular intervals (preferably transparent or lacy!) by also combining high heeled shoes, by capturing his eyes with yours and having your imagination as a weapon!

 You understand my point? Do you have any questions???


 Pay attention to detail!!!

 Sometimes we get carried away by our emotions and depending on the outcome of our day (especially at work), when we see our boyfriend in front of us we start “bombarding” him with meaningless things, from how bitch was our colleague today ,up to what dress and lipstick we chose to take at the wedding where we'll go at Saturday! Torrent of words and sentences without refund! Stop NOW!

Today that you will see him after returning from work or when you will meet tonight, become interested ONLY for him! Ask how his day was, if there was anything special that caught his interest, if he was found in the middle of any kind of funny situations, and why not to offer him a relaxing massage!!!

 You can not imagine how much he will appreciate it! I can assure you about that!

 You do not know.... Along the way.... he might want to reward you.... The "package" massage may be proved to include many other extra and more “spicy” benefits for you to taste...



 The compliments are playing crucial role in the course of your relationship! Especially when made after several years of relationship!

By  making a compliment you show to the other how much you admire him, that you are in love, how much you like something he wears, or his opinion, the way he behaves, to find that your man is so sexy and do not skip ever to say it to him!

A compliment is a reward and if your compliments become a little more "spicy "..... If you know what I mean.... your relationship will be forever a FIRE!

 Do not neglect yourself EVER!!!

 It will be a little shock for you now but I will tell it to you. Do not even think about to be ready to have sex with him, an already prepared situation and let him explore your body and suddenly feel the "grass" on your feet, or even looking at your wonderful eyes and cannot distinguish them from the “bushes” in your eyebrows sprouting here and there (NO! NO! NO!!!!), not to mention anything further.... I do not want to expose us more!!!!!

NOTHING! NO SECOND THOUGHT the issue of a SPA should be first priority of every woman! That is where we should give all our money, a total care for our body, and our time dedicated to fitness because that is what women do and should be..... DELICATE!!

 As for the boys.... if you laugh while reading these lines.... learn that more than 3 days beard (meaning… just before becoming a priest) we do not like it AT ALL!!

Yes! We do not like it because you"pinch" us and our skin is sensitive, filled with red spots and we also think that by Monday you will go to any monastery to become a monk!

 We will soon give you a shaver as a gift.... whether there is a celebration or not by our good heart guys!!!!!


 Be honest!!!

 Never! But.... Never!! But ... Never! Do not stop being honest! All kinds of relationships build on trust!

Consequently, do not build your castle my friend, and then destroy it at once with a lie!

 Even if it is of minor significance or seems as innocent.... it remains a lie!


 Keep your life as it was!!!

 Helooooooooo!!!! Being with someone does not mean that you have to forget your best girlfriends, your nights out together, and the spa evenings you did together or the endless shopping therapy, or even the Tuesdays that your girlfriend would come that you spent them by watching a favorite movie or by talking, and talking, and talking for hours by drinking your favorite wine!!!

 Think that he will not also want to lose the gathering with his friends to watch football on TV, or to dedicate a coffee to them (without you!!!!) sometime in a weekend!

 Do not forget the habits that satisfied you in the past! Only then there will be balance in your relationship, not only that but also with the people around you, but mostly inside yourself !!!...

Do not try in any way to change the other person!

Each person is unique, is special! You must accept that the person near you has its advantages, but also drawbacks! NOBODY IS PERFECT!

I know ... I know ... There are times when you feel like his mother ... or that he does not understand you ... For that that he does not hear you, you know what? Just ignore it, even if you are right! Men usually want time to process some facts and take their own decisions! Have a little patience!

 Besides, when you fell in love with him, in everything you loved in him, includes also that you always say black and white and disagreed with each other! Now why you bother???? Do you want a man that agrees in everything you say and does not have his own opinion and beliefs????

 Girls ... Opposites attract! You must know that by heart!!!


 Tenderness in all its glory!

 The "macho" they may seem, no matter how tough they show to you ... always at the end of the day, they will desire, your touch, your kiss, your smile, your hug!

 You have the magic touch and you can really get a man to heaven!

As for us boys ... no matter how much complicated we may seem, we are really sooooo simple (even myself is ready to believe it!!!!!) to manipulate us!

 NO! I will not give you TIPS for today!!

 COMING SOON!!!!.....

Sunday, July 10, 2011

"Complexity" in a woman’s mind vs "Simplicity" of a man’s mind!

When you think "Today Mary invited me to the party for her graduation from the university, many people will be there! I am not really at the mood to go! And if I do not have fun there? OK! I know Maria from high school but that does not mean that we are the best friends ever, what does she want and she invites me now? Of course, it is very kind of her to invite me at her home and to honor me by this way! Honestly ... I wonder who else is invited? Will I meet anyone or would I just keep a glass of drink and smiling awkwardly at strangers? It is a pity not to have my best friends there with me! Anyway! Never mind! ... I guess I'll see old classmates, we will talk about the path that everyone followed in his/ her life after school! I think it will be interesting! In the end, it will be a wonderful night!!! "
By contrast, a man thinks "Mary is having a party!!! We will have fun!"
What the hell ????????????????????
Honestly ... Why we women think so complex in our everyday life while things are just sooooo simple????
We analyze and overanalyze and create new small thoughts in our mind and then we analyze again the new branch of thoughts, everything ... in every detail!
We can start our thinking from a disagreement we may have had in the morning with our partner and our thinking may result in the lipstick that we saw yesterday at an advertisement of Max Factor that we want to buy!!

Oh!!!! MERCY!!

Based on a medical approach, all these considerations and their “processing”, is good for our health? I wonder ...

Otherwise the mental hospital is not far away .... Located within walking distance near to our house probably ...

Is it in the nature of the woman's mind to be complex??? Could somebody answer to me?

Not to mention that we can create whole stories from a sentence that can be spelled out by another person and of course our stories will have plot, introduction, main body and an epilogue!
Imagination at its top! I think each one of us could become a writer ... (Yeah! yes! A writer in books with horror theme!!!!)

How men manage everything?

What should we do to think straight and not “curve”?????

No tip???? Little help???? Anybody ???????????????

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The most fabulous site ever !!!!!!!!!!

Every day, as I passed from various parts of Athens, with the direction to my work, I often happened to see at bus stops the advertisement for the above link.

Because of the fact that my thoughts were more like that.... "What is it???? Is it a site to find your personal stylista to dress you in the latest fashion?????" I decided to click on this address to find out myself what lied behind and GIRLS ... I got really excited!!!
The site is AMAZING!!! It is the whole world of women with only one click!!!

The site has many categories! One of them is that indicated in style with new fashion trends (what I asked for!!!!!) And the latest fashion shows!!!! (To see photos of catwalks.... and I would not ask for anything more!!!)
There is also stylista's personal opinion and guidance in terms of fashion like how to combine a simple t- shirt or even to find the dress that a particular celebrity wore recently. Everything!!!!
Also in the category of style, you will find different looks of stars (especially to copy them!! THAT IS WHAT I WILL DO!!!!)

There is also another category called "WHAT-WHO-WHERE" which of course refers to the latest and most hot celebrity news, the party of celebrities, who has appeared and of course, what they wore!
What made me an impression in this category was the "STYLISTA POLICE" which nothing escapes from the false stylistic choices of the stars, as well as the "DO NOT LOSE" which refers to every event that is going to take place currently!!!

Beyond that, there is the category "BEAUTY" which refers to all the latest trends for beauty, for health. You can ask the stylista an opinion so as to answer to you on products that are of your interest (and not only that!!!!!) And of course ... you will learn about the products that celebrities choose so as to show so bright and ... beautiful!!!!

Last but not least, there is the category "good life" referring to anything that would improve our lives and fill us with joy, whether this concerns the decoration of our house, gourmet treats, our body and wellness, nutrition, travel and much more!!

Of course not to forget to mention the category "SHOPPING GUIDE" where you can see current and future offerings (THE DREAM OF EVERY WOMAN OR NOT ????) and reference to every in fashion stores that interest us with all the necessary information!!!

What did to me a distinct impression is that this site is updated, is fabulous, full of pictures and has a strong touch of glamour!!!

I felt like a celebrity while I was reading articles and watched the latest news and trends!

As the ad of says, STYLISTA is your best friend in the Internet!!!

Of course the best I kept it for the end! There is always a hot contest that runs where you can win lots of presents!!!!!!!!!!!!

So if you join in STYLISTA CLUB and become a member you enter in various competitions, for bags, present- cheques and who knows what other???????????...... (SUPER ????)

What else more to say to convince you than that I will immediately click on and become a member of the STYLISTA CLUB ?????????

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

This is our night!!!!

Our day has come!!!

For so many years we are lovers, sexy mamas, wives, housewives (always in despair !!!), professionals ... multiple roles in each one of us ....
But above all ... WOMEN!!!

Finally!! Our day has come!
Leave it all then and ... Have fun!
What if you are married ... (Details!!!)...
What if you have kids ... (I believe that for this particular role we have grandmothers, haven't we??????)
What if you have professional obligations and have to stay up late at work ... (Believe me! For one day the company will not have any problem!!!!)

Leave it all behind because today is our day!

All you need are your girlfriends and get ready for endless nightlife!!!
Of course I want to believe that you will be the party animals of the night!
For the simple reason .... The night is yours!!!

I will immediately give you some guidelines for the night!

Let us begin!!! Do not expect anyone to give you a present today! You should buy a present for yourself!
Make a gift to yourself, your dinner outfit for instance!!! Why not????

Therefore, be sure to make your beaute, manicure-pedicure and whatever else needs to feel beautiful!
Choose carefully the clothes that you will wear!! They must not be something conservative nor something that does not leave anything to imagination! (If you know what I mean!!!)

Bear in mind that it must be something that would show you as hopelessly charming and incredibly sexy and at the same time would highlight your wonderful body!

After all... I trust your taste! I do not worry!

Finally, if the door closes behind you, leave also behind any kind of pressure or anxiety ... everything!
The day is yours!

Dance, flirt, laugh all the time, live the moment with your friends!! Have fun!

Make this day unique for you, because it is a special day for you!
It is dedicated to you!

Today is Women's Day! We own that day!

Would you like to learn what I have chosen myself to wear for today????
My black tights DEFINITELY !!!... with a black and long blouse I have with neckline!!
My neck will be decorated with two or three long necklaces!!
For my makeup I have chosen a light-colored, sparkling shadow, an eyeliner just to highlight the contour of my eyes and lots of mascara!!

As far as the lipstick is concerned ..... Bright red !!!!! The colour of fire!!

And the shoes .... Obviously the red and high- heeled shoes, which is both sexy and fabulous!!!!

Have I helped you at all???? I hope yeeeeeeeees!!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Take it all or leave me alone !!!!!

What the hell are you asking from me now??

If I am not mistaken.... Our last meeting was our separation too!!!

I never expected (after 4 years !!!!!) to hear suggestions such as "It is not your fault but it is me at fault!", "I want to stay by myself some time to think!", "I love you so much but we can not be together! ". "You are everything to me but I want us to be apart!" but ...I have heard !!!!!!
And unfortunately for you... you were the one who have told them!
What the hell do you want now, 8 months after our separation and you appear accidentally in front of me (yeah! ok! as if I bite it!!!!!) at the bar where I have chosen today to have my drink in some peace???
Of course, I will certainly search and find the person who "revealed" that I will be here at this bar, but it is not our issue!!

All these years I have given you everything, I did not keep anything for myself!
I supported all your decisions by putting mine aside ...
I applauded your dreams to help you succeed, by postponing my own dreams ...
I always showed importance to every detail of your life, to everything that entails you, but my life was a detail to you!!

Of course.... I cannot deny it ... Now that I see you and have you in front of me, different thoughts cross my mind........!!!!!

Mainly ...... Dirty thoughts !!!!!!

Your smell intoxicates me .... I get lost in your eyes ... I want to move my fingers through your hair ... I feel your beautiful eyes burning mine, as if you burn the distance that separated us for 8 months, in the first place!

I can not also deny that I do not feel your own feelings!!
However ....!!! I feel your nervousness as you approach near me to whisper something in my ear! I am aware that it is not easy for you too! I know you may still have feelings for me as I do ....
Of course ... I still doubt if I am over you ... My heart is still beating about you ...

But ... not! NO! How can I make you understand ???????????? Eventually I realized that I get mad when they take me for granted!!

What the hell ????????? I know that when we will be together, in less than a month, you will destroy everything and you will make me regret that I said yes to a reunion!
Besides, where were you all this time that we were separated????????
Well I guess you had a wonderful time ... and I do not think you were alone ... (Am I wrong ????????????)
Finally, for your information only ...... We are not FRIENDS!! Friends are not having sex, at least for as long as they are friends!! Consequently, do not treat me so friendly please!

And in case you did not understand .... there is a line from a greek song that says....
"I do not have time for more pain, I do not have time for more tears !!!!!!!"

When the glass breaks, it remains broken!

However I am an optimistic person so for a couple to be together again .... They should both try my friend!!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Surround me with your love

When I talk about love I want to express myself in pure words .... romantic .... tender ......

Every day I feel love is all around me like a breeze in my life! I meet love every day and fills my heart with magic....

Signs of love are so simple and clear!
But the routine of the day usually absorbs us so much that we either ignore them or even worse.... we take love for granted!

And yet ... If we start showing more importance to small things and details, it is only then that our lives will change!!!

The secret to our happiness is love!!

What's more real to feel that a friend really needs you because she goes through a very difficult time in her life and you go and give her your warmest, tight and affectionate hug .... No need to say anything .... just be there to listen and to offer her your hug and affection .....

What is more pure when a 6 year old girl talks to you on the phone and tells you that the next time you'll see her, she will give you a painting for you .... This girl thinks of you all the time... Imagine what you mean to her!

What is more romantic than your boyfriend who comes and covers you with a blanket while sleeping, by also giving you a tender kiss ...

What's more real than a sincere smile by a colleague, from a compliment that you receive, a good word from someone ...

What could be more real than to say to you that they admire or are impressed by your work ....

What could be more wonderful than to meet people you have to see for many years and feel so familiar with the discussions you so nicely make with them.... as if you saw them for the last time yesterday.... Then it is when you say ... "Where were you all these years???"

If all these are not love ... what is?????

Love is based on detail!!

Every day that passes pay attention to detail! Listen to the people who are beside you in life what they have to say!! Pay attention to their feelings ....

"Read" their feelings! Even the smallest gesture is a sign of affection and love for you!! Sometimes words are unnecessary!

But the word I love you do not let a day pass without sharing it with the people that you really care and love...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Be optimistic now!!!

Really!!!!! ... Have you ever thought that it is so boring to think negatively the most of the day ????? Imagine how much energy we lose with this whole process!

We should try and avoid sentences such as "I'm bored at work today," "The time does not pass at all" "what has happened to me", "Why did she say that to me???", "Why did he behave in such an awful way to me??","I do not have any money"and many many others.

HELLOOOOOOO !!!!! There are more serious problems in the world !!!!!

Pfffffffffff! I was tired with only having refered to these sentences! (This does not mean of course that I have not experienced such situations myself!! Of course I have lived similar incidents!!!!)

But I will surely not have my day destroyed because a bitch for instance, spoke to me in a rude and impolite way!! No thanks I will not bite it!! And this will not keep my head occupied for the rest of the day!! Let her quarrel and exchange rude words with another person! I do not care at all!!!

Well you know something????
Start today your day differently!! Make your day magical! Even if the day seems to have begun wrong! And believe me! If you feel that your day is special, it will be special and magical!

There are many ways to accomplish this!
Start with small and simple things!

For example, today choose not to drink the usual coffee that you daily drink at work, choose one from the Starbucks's!!!
Spoil yourself by purchasing something, even if it is small! (A lipstick let's say for instance ?????????)
Make your entrance in the office having the aura of a manager, dressed perfectly without caring if somebody thinks that you lost your mind!!!! (The only reason that he would say such a thing would be because of his jealousy!!!!! I can assure you about that !!!!)
Share your smile with everyone you meet in your way! (Yeah! Even if it is that bitch I mentioned before, it would be the final strike for her!)

Even only for today, do not let your mind wander to anything less than your dreams for the future!
Channel all your positive thinking and energy to anything that makes you happy, to things you want to obtain, at places you want to travel, everything you want to live with people who are beside you, that you love and that in their turn. love you !

Make sure that every minute of your day matters, do not waste it on meaningless things, but make it special!

Make your day unique even if it is only for today! And you will see how much happiness you will feel for a day!

As the group of Bon Jovi say...... (Who they will be in Greece in a few months, AT LAST!)

It's my life!!! It's now or never!!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

WAR of candles!!

It all starts at a glance!

He looks at you with meaning that makes you melt and you respond with your charming smile!
He does everything to conquer you and you like it a lot!
Every time you see him you feel that you need more and more of his company!
Before you even realize it you find yourself in his arms by tasting his wonderful kiss!
You feel so unique! You feel so great that you are full of happiness! He kisses in a perfect way? The best kisser ever!!!!

You cannot handle your feelings! That is why you want to share your happiness with someone, mainly with your girl friends! And that is what you do!!
Each day that passes you feel that you need him more to be by your side, you need more to be in his arms! You understand that he feels the same way too!
You love each other and you make the perfect couple!
Everyone tells you that and they feel happy to see you together!
Not to mention that everybody loves him because he is adorable!!!!!
You have an amazing relationship and the years that pass make it stronger! Your love flourishes day after day! He does anything for you, he supports you (I believe you do the same for him too...), you have the same hobbies, he is amazing lover in sex, you dream together for the future and he seems to be the perfect guy for you!

And here comes the crunch in your thoughts ...

Perhaps this is the man of your dreams ????? Is he the prince you waited all these years to come ?????
The answer of course is YES (FOR SURE!!!!!!!!! DEFINITELY!!!!!!!!!! ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!!)

Consequently there comes the time when you will either live together or you will get married! There is no matter which of the two will happen!! What is important is that both of you will find yourselves under one roof!! Your own house!! With your man of your dreams!!!!!!!

This is when the War of Candles begins!

Yes! My friend! I want to light as many candles as possible per day and let them burn ALL day! Yes! I do it for us!! I light candles to create a romantic atmosphere!!

And when I ask you to go and buy some more candles from the supermarket, I do not want to receive the answer "I won't bring you any more candles!! You have burnt dozens of them! But if I decide to bring you some you will light only 2-3 per day, it's a deal, ok?????????"
What is your problem?????? And NO! Why do I have to make a deal for candles??????

What is the problem if I burn 23 candles per day???? I LIKE IT!!!!!!! I DO IT!!!!!!
Do you remember ????? When we were leaving for the weekends?????? Did you use to count the candles I was burning???? I DON' T THINK SO!!!!! However !!!!!!............... we were not busy with ........ CANDLES !!!!! We were busy with other things...... if you understand what I mean!!!!!!

Sorry!!!! But do I forbid you to bring your gadgets at home???? I've never denied also to buy for you the magazines you asked for, that refer to those gadgets!!! Even worse ..... Every now and then .... every day ... I pick up a cd (whose content is unknown!!!!!!) from different corners in different rooms of the house!!!!! Have I ever said anything?????? Have I ever complained ??????????????

Have I ever told you to buy only 2 to 3 cds per day ???????????

Why me, not having my candles, ah????? Explain yourself please!!!!! I want my candles !!!!! CANDLES!! CANDLES! CANDLES!! Gkrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Open the BEAUTY case!!!

Some tips for a beautiful & a glowing skin!!!

We love the sunny winter days , but even if the sun does not "burn" like at the summer, facial sunscreen is more than necessary!! If not a sunscreen, then moisturizer with SPF depending always on the skin type and sensitivity of our face to the sun.

You should scrub your body at least 2 times a week (which is enough!!!) to remove dead cells and make it breathe better!!

Always take care moisturizing your body with a body milk after the shower!

Drink plenty of water (at least 8 glasses per day) and prefer drinks like tea or fresh juices!

For a beautiful and healthy skin, vitamin C is also more than necessary!

Always wear sunglasses when you go out the day! We do not like to make faces and create wrinkles, don't we????

LIP balm for the lips, the best moisturizer ever!

The most basic of all????? Sleeping!! Be sure to sleep as many hours as your body needs to rest! Do not force it at all!!

I hope you understand that if you follow just these little tips we will all become models, huh????? Come on then! What do you expect?????????

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Cupid has rang the doorbell!!

Happy Valentine's Day boys and girls!!!!

Finally !!!!! The day has come that WE ALL soooooooooooo much waited!!!!! The most "in love" day of the year !!!!! (Oh!!!! Yes!!!! That creeeepy and freeeeaaaking day I described you before !!!!)

So.... The best wishes to all the people "in love" !!!!!!

So... the day has come!! The day our love has "glitters" and "shines" and that with the "sparkle of OUR love" we fill the other half.

Boys & girls, some instructions below in order to help you cope with today, mainly with dignity !!!!!

Boys the least I expect from you is flowers, the most ...... a two days trip (maybe for the weekend!!!!), a romantic dinner at an expensive (why not?????????) restaurant and maybe if such a gesture was followed by a beautiful jewel, it would be ideal for Valentine's Day, a pair of earrings for instance!!!!! (Your women would love you forever!!!! - REALLY!!!!)

Girls the only thing that you should do today, is to wear your most charming and sexy smile and of course your best lingerie !!!!! You do not need anything else!! You should only need to have a rose between your teeth to offer it away to him as soon as you see him !!!!! The night will be yours !!!!!

Don't even think about it (and this goes for both sides and I mean it!!!!!) to offer teddy bears holding hearts, chocolate hearts, balloons with written words "in love" ...... c'est passe !!!!!

Enjoy today !!!!! Happy Valentine's day!!!! And remember to show every day to those that you love how much you are in love with them!! There is no need to have that creeeeeepy day to remind you!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Every time I read a fashion magazine, a dress always comes up to my attention from!

Since I was curious to learn more details about that link, therefore, I present them to you!!

This is an online store with on-line purchases in Greece! It was established in 2010 and has a very wide range of products! This paricular online store is addressed to fashion both for the woman as well as the man, where you can find everything, and it has also products for the home!

More specifically, for women you can find various women's tops, t-shirts, dresses, coats, skirts, pants, lingerie, pyjamas, shoes, handbags, sunglasses, accessories. Similarly, for the man, you can find shirts, t-shirts, pants, coats, swimsuits, sunglasses, accessories and underwear. As far as the house is concerned, choose the room at your home that interests you to decorate and you will find many products in order to equip this space!

Generally, it has several well known brands if you are interested and unique values, especially now that there is discount season! There are also many offers!!!!

What made me an impression, is that if you order for more that 50€ the delivery is free!!!!! In case it is below 50€, the only charge for transport is 3€ regardless of weight! Not to mention that several celebrities shop from this online store, for which you have the option of "clicking" and read their opinion!!

For more information click and you will find what you like!!

I've already chosen two marvellous dresses in nice colors that caught my attention and some things for the house which I will definitely order as soon as possible!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Valentine's Day

Saint Valentine's Day is coming and I am freeeaaaaking out!!!!

It's so creepy to see teddy-bears on one hand, small hearts on the other, roses that cost 2 euros, suddenly that day to be sold for 6 euros! Yes! Your understanding was right! I am freaking out at how "commercialized" that day has become!

I aggree with the fact that people in love should have one day of the year dedicated to them but not that kind of collaboration!!!

You would ask of course... When you were at the age of 20 and you received a teddy bear holding a red little heart or a chocolate Lacta written in its wrapper "I love you" you thought how "commercialized" that day has become? Of course not! I was not "a fascist" when I was a small kid! Not to mention that I am a woman and we like such a behaviour from our childhood! So when something like that happened to me I was feeling nicely!

So by recalling memories of the past, two facts came up in my mind that have happened that particular day and left me with a very beautiful and sweet feeling! I will share them with you!

The first incident happened to me when I was about 17 years old! It was Valentine's Day and that day I had a French lesson in Piraeus (One of the ports in Greece)! While I was going down a particular street, I suddenly saw many people gathered together! There was a pleasant atmosphere from some girls in a non- stop laughing. As I was approaching, I was wondering what was happening! At a glance, I discerned some boys that were holding roses in their hands and distributed them to the girls!!! Before something else came up to my mind, one of the boys was in front of me! He took me by surprise ... He looked at me and smiled ... "Hello!" he said. He continued ... "This is for you with all my love! Happy Valentine's day !!!". And he left! I smiled and smelled the rose! You can not imagine how beautifully this incident made me feel! Needless to say that every girl of my colleagues who have passed from that street had a rose with her. Later we learned that the boys were 7 friends who just got to the "madness" to do something that day and bought roses and distributed to young women, unknown young women who were crossing the street! I really laughed with that particular incident and every one of us felt unique and special!

The second incident happened to me when I was 23 years! It was Valentine's Day and me with my girl- friends (a group of 6 girls including me) cried our fate! One girl could not find a man as her boyfriend, to create a relationship, the other girl was about to break up with her boyfriend, a matter of days, the others we were already separated, meaning a situation that sucked! In addition the day happened to be special so our mood was deteriorating to the worst! Suddenly one of us threw the idea ... "Why not going out together to a restaurant for instance with live music to entertain ourselves???.We found no reason not to do that! Besides, why not??? Nothing kept us from not amusing ourselves! Not to mention that being all alone with your thoughts at home is the worst! So we were dressed in a fabulous way and went out! We found a restaurant that we showed preference to! We drank and danced quite a lot! Late at night, the manager of the restaurant sent us roses which was a really kind gesture that improved our mood more! All night we did not stop laughing with all our heart! It was the second most beautiful Valentine's Day I've ever spent!

However ... boys you should know that.... If you want to make us feel unique ... a rose and some words full with love are enough!

And it does not even have to be Valentine's Day!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

2 days trip vs luggage...

Truth!!!! How we- (Women I mean)- manage to take so much luggage as if we go on a trip for one week, when it is arranged to leave for (only!!!) one weekend???

Let's discuss about this matter!!!

Supposing you leave for two days with your boyfriend, ok??? Let's say that your destination is Nafplio!!! (a picturesque place in Greece!!!) There is no schedule about what you are going to do there!!! Surely, you will go for a coffee, definitely to eat something and maybe one night you will choose to go for a drink at a peaceful bar by listening to the music! Consequently, you should take all the parameters into consideration, shouldn't you???

So ... If you go to the cafeteria you should wear something loose and comfortable which means that you should definitely need to get two pair of jeans and at least 3 different casual shirts (Type T-Shirt) with you. If you think of it, you will surely wear one pair of the jeans on Friday! You shouldn't wear the same jeans and the same T-shirt all 3 days! Your boyfriend would not like it at all!!!

Let's continue! In case you go out in a restaurant, shouldn't you be properly dressed, whether you will go to a small tavern, or even to a nicer and more expensive restaurant? So I think if you'd also take with you black pants with a "more than casual" blouse would be the perfect outfit! Of course a comfortable dress would also be ideal for this occasion!

Now, if you choose to spend your night in a bar to have a drink, shouldn't you also include in your luggage your leggings with a slightly more formal long dress (ideal for leggings!!!!), high heeled shoes and a small bag for the absolutely necessary of your things (your mobile phone for instance!!!!)???????? Additionally, you must take also a coat with you, in case the night gets cold and a denim if it is a sunny day with a cool breeze!

Not to forget to mention of course that depending on the desirable outfit you will choose to wear, you should also have the appropriate accessories, jewelry, shoes and handbags! You can not wear whatever or irrelevant... MIX AND MATCH is the alphabet in fashion!!!!!!! You knowwwww?????

Do not forget the lace underwear in preference for the more "after" hours that you will be all alone with your boyfriend in your room... you understand????

Meanwhile, the issue of vanity!! Beyond the shadows, blush, eyeliner, pencil, lipstick, mascara, make-up, powder, shouldn' t you get the sun cream for the day, your moisturizer cream for day and night, the body cream, shower gel, shampoo for your hair, hair dryer, hair conditioner, foam, toothpaste, a sponge, your toothbrush, your cologne, your deodorant, your hair accessories, the liquid for contact lenses????

Is this possible ????????????? How would you leave for a weekend without your things????

I wonder why men characterize us as unreasonable when we take all the above and very useful things(Does any girl disagree with me?????) for a weekend!!! .... I really wonder!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

10 reasons to start yoga today!!!

It increases our strength
Corrects posture of our body
It improves our stability and balance
It makes the body more flexible
Detoxifies and cleanses our body
It gives us more energy
It improves the whole system of human's body (eg, hormonal, nervous, immune, circulatory)
It improves our mental mood and reduces anxiety
It improves our memory, our concentration, our creativity
It eliminate the negativity from our minds and fights depression

Did you try the pose of the Downward - Facing Dog today?????


Would you like to have the life of a celebrity???? Easily!
Learn how!!!

Let's analyse it! What characterizes a celebrity?

First of all, she has many admirers, and many friends, so ... she is characterized by her sociability!
This has as a result to receive daily proposals and for this reason one can usually find her at a party, or a gala for instance!
She is always dressed in the latest fashion, by showing preference in bags such as Gucci, or Christian Louboutin shoes and a mobile phone of the latest technology.
In such an appearance her hair should always be well- combed and not to mention that she does not leave the house without a perfect makeup.
When you stand next to her you can feel an aura of charm and confidence.
A celebrity live an intense life , knows how to be sexy and a little bit of a drama queen!

So what should you do now in order to live the life of a celebrity?

Every day, when you would wake up and you would look yourself in the mirror, you should think that you are unique and that there is no other like you and believe me! That is the truth! You're special!
In addition, you should dress, make-up yourself and put your favorite accessories, as if you're ready to go to an important appointment where you have to make impression.
Of course... Always with high- heeled shoes and make sure that you walk like models on the catwalks!
Do not skip ever to wear your most charming smile and every day to share it with everyone, with your family, your colleagues, your friends, to anyone you may meet in your daily life!
Allow yourself to get carried away from his feelings and to speak with theatricality, as respectively, a drama queen would have done!
Live each day with passion!

What did you say??? In which gala they have your name in ther guest list today????

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Which is the relationship of a man with the playstation?

Let's say you're a married woman, ok??? And your husband returns from work at around 8.30 in the evening, as this is the schedule due to the nature of his work. You're on top of the world! You have managed to return home from work at 5 in the evening, you have cleaned the house so as he would find it with beautiful scents, you have tidied up too, you laid the table and you made his favorite food and what you just wait???

You think.... "My sweet husband will come, he will take as quickly as possible a bath in order to eat together, to discuss!" and then after you have cleaned the table, you dream that you will sit together in a loving hug, talk about how each of you spent the day, to watch your favorite movie ..... meaning to spend the rest of the night together!


He has other plans for HIM! He returns home and after he has first given you that soft, sweet kiss that awakens the best from your inner feelings and makes your heart beating, without even realizing it himself, then, that very moment is when he will simply say a "Sorry my sweety, prepare the food and I just want some time to raise the level of Gran Tourismo since yesterday, I just want to play with my playstation to relax myself from today's hard work, I hope you do not mind????? And of course you DO mind but can you really refuse to a two-year-old boy to play with its toys??? No!! Even if you become strict, he will remain speechless staring at you full of complaints, like a little boy deprived of its toys! He wants to play with the playstation, what can we do??? However, I love when men show their sensitive side! Is there a woman who does not like that???? That is what makes them unique!

No matter what, it is ok when you have only one man to handle inside the house!!! Imagine having two men, your brother and your husband for instance, or a friend of your husband and they both love playing games in the playstation, who happen to lose any touch with their environment while playing! If you notice they also exchange viewpoints while playing!!! So one way to avoid the inevitable is either not to buy a second controller, or accept the situation and buy for yourself WII!!! You can either play a tennis tournament or ping pong or you can do yoga!!!

I begin to strongly believe that men's interest around the playstation and games on the whole, has to do with our fitness, while WE the BITCHES unfairly misunderstand them!!!! Don't you think???